Finally, the last day of the week, also a time to take a breath from the school year examination. I gotta say, it's been really tough going through this week. So many things happened, well, that's what I think.
It is always tough for us to stuff all the things that we need to memorize, cracking our brain to fit those vocabularies, definitions, formulas, phrases... ... But this time, I think I was emotionally out of control! Not mentally, that one I can still control, but emotionally, no way. I was nearly mad! Two days before the exam, something happened in school and somehow, I cried. I don't know why, but I was teary then I just couldn't stop. It was so embarrassing! In front of my friends. Well, of course I got a small scolding. Hehe...
I think it got even worst the next day. I was at home and doing revision. Another thing happened and the tap water started to run again. This time it took me 30 minutes to calm myself down. Soon, I started to have weird thoughts, I'll say that no one should know what they are. It was like I was soulless! I was scared, every single minute was so dark. The other thing is that I just can't study, I know I'll be blamed because it was just me not wanting to motivate myself. But I just couldn't! I was going bazookas!
Let's just say that I opened the tap water nearly everyday of the week (Only for last week!). My eyes were always painful the next day, o silly me... ...
But from today, I think I can close the water tap.