Feeling a little tired these few days
thinking back about the past few weeks
found out that the problems that were in front of me
was one way or another caused by myself
those problems never got solved
somehow it just went away
after going through a very slippery and curvy lane
leaving a trail
that somehow couldn't be ridden of
mad at myself
I dug deep into my memory
and kept reprimanding myself
about the things that I have done
the things that I have done wrong
causing so much trouble
even hurting someone along the way
so many wrong doings
I won't mind it leaving a scar on me
but what about the people around me
here I go with my very very childish thinking again
can I ever stop doing this
this is just wasting time
isn't it
I know
but how to stop this nonsense
this foolish way of life
always going back to the past
always mad at myself for the things
that can never be changed