The party after exam, don't know why, but I was hyped up, well, it took me awhile thou.
Went to Mushroom's house to gather first at 10.30am.
Went to
how do you call the place where you can karaoke??
Registered and went into the room for karaoke. {I haven't updated my vocabulary in a long time}
and Tiffany(?) started singing. Everyone else was
umm......well, didn't started immediately.........started a little later......
Sweetie and her sis came slightly later.
Details about the sing song, I really have no idea how to describe.........
but the last 20 minutes was epic! Everyone of us stood up, I mean every single person in the room, and sang whatever song was playing. I don't know why, but I had a temporary voice conversion after that.
Later after that, we went for a meal at a themed restaurant. {is restaurant too fancy? Cause I can't think of anything just yet} It was really interesting, and pretty much everyone was hyped up, really hyperactive. We had our meal then a few of us was soon using the imagination, creativity and
chili sauce to express oneself. After nearly 2 hours there, we paid the bill, then not so slow, not so fast, we walked to the car as Mushroom parted to meet her sister.
In the car, I was talking and talking and talking..........and I was making a few cold jokes that got me scolded by Gran Gran.
When I was back home, I blabber about the whole day activity to my dad, like yesterday......
I took a half-hour nap and later had dinner.
After dinner, I suggested to mummy to go shopping for new clothes. {for Chinese New Year} She was not very tired from work so, my parents and I went to the nearby Jusco~
It was such a long time since my mom and I went shopping together. About dad, he went to the hardware section. {unless you are nearly obssessed about cleaning agents, containers, car waxes, not go shopping with dad^^} We were turning in circles in the clothing section for nearly 3 hours.....but we only bought very very little compare to past years. Truthfully, the bill was the scary part. For 2 discounted jeans, 2 discounted blouses, 1 dress and a bottle of some kind of liquid {my dad bought it} the bill added up to nearly 300. I told my mom: no more clothes for the whole 2011. Maybe I'm stingy or I can't understand why clothes are just getting extremely expensive......