Being someone to be a bit more than curious, Triel could only read up to half a page of her novel before she turned her attention to the baristas and the various beverages they were making.
One with dark green hair was making Rainbow Cloud. Different from its name, the Cloud was not of rainbow colors but of different shades of pink. The process of making it was quite complex as one has to ensure that the different shades do not intertwine and loose its perfectly alligned pink display.
Another elder barista was making Jelly Beans Don't Jump. Instead, they dance. Music has to be played when this beverage is being made or else they would jump away and you are only left with an empty glass. Triel read about it since it was only created a few months back. Not many people could make it as one has to find good jelly beans, good music, have good timing and skills.
The last barista was making Triel's freeze coffee. It's coffee served in an ice glass which will eventually melt. This is simple to make compare to the other two, thou it is tougher for the person who drinks. Some people couldn't finish the coffee before the ice melts and it would start dripping.
For Triel thou, she believes that the beverage was made perfectly. You see, being from Pluto, she naturally has a much lower body temperature as compared to the beings on Earth or Saturn.
While enticed by the scene in front of her, her phone had rang vigorously.
"Triel?" It was Taylb and he sounded like he was rushing.
"Yes. Speaking." Triel pursed her lips, wondering why would he call.
"There's a new department, the planning department. Would you be interested in a junior position?" Taylb seems to be gasping for breath, pausing the conversation.
"But I just left..." Triel trailed.
"Well, you haven't, at least officially. Your documents are all still in my hands. So, back to the topic. Interested?"
"Alright. But could I take a break, perhaps three days?" Triel still has some things on her mind and she needed time to sort them.
"Yes. The department won't be starting until next week. Considering you might feel bored or go around making troubles... I'd happily approve your break. I'll send you the related documents to what you might be doing under the new department."
After telling Triel a bit more, the call ended as Taylb had to attend a sudden meeting.
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