Friday, May 27, 2011


I have been a form 6 student for 3 weeks. The holidays are starting--today, right after school.

First week was orientation week. Well, it's the tradition, freshman get bullied by the seniors, nothing new. There are short introductions of each subject by the teachers. Short means 1 hour and above. Honestly, most of the introductions are okay. Best introduction for me was physics and maths. But some were, no offence, teribbly boring. Anyway, there was a lunch party on the last day of the orientation week. We got chicken rice with sauce, chilli or soup, oranges and I can't remember what... Overall, what the food looks like or taste like is not the most interesting part. The best part was the singing performance and prize-giving segment.

The first day of the second week was Teachers' Day. We went to school for the "annual" celebration that includes speeches by the minister of education, the principal, performance by teachers and students. Seriously, the people in our school really do know how to sing, no matter teacher or students. Tuesday was Wesak Day, which means holiday! It was also sweetie's birthday. Typical stingy me, I still didn't get her any presents, sorry. We started class on Wednesday with biology (chemistry was skipped because we didn't know that we're suppose to go to the lab). The teacher had never taught biology, I was thinking now I'm going to be in a big mess... We didn't start lessons because there's no text book. After recess, it was maths. The teacher taught really fast, more than I could imagine. It took me awhile to understand the equations and stuffs, but it was really exciting. General paper followed on and we ended the day with English (MUET). There was no co-curricular activity for the week because the school haven't organize the clubs.

Third week was still going okay. We got an announcement on Monday that 50 out of the form 6 students are going to perform a dance-based-aerobic on Sports Day. Oppa, Mushroom and I got selected and we had practice after school until 3.30pm. It's really tiring although the moves are simple. But when you do it all together, man! It's a mess!!! My limbs were tangled up!! And I was thinking to myself, your not the only one, some are also having the same situation.

Well, it's the holidays. I'm still deciding what should I do. Homework, chores are usual. But should I go back to work a bit? I did say if I'm free, I'll help out there a bit. What to do? I still gotta think about the drama script too.

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