Monday, October 31, 2011

Vacation 002

"This is going to cost your life!" Eric shouted at Leo.

"I'd sacrifice everything for her," Leo muttered and left the room.

He walked to the edge of the clouds. He gazed at the island, surrounded by crystal blue water.

"Sorry," he heard her voice flowing in the winds. Her voice was full of sorrow. At that moment, he didn't care about being grounded from leaving the place. He just wanted to comfort her.

He spread his wings and flew to her. As he came closer to the island, he saw her free falling from a cliff.

He swept down faster to catch hold of her. She was unconscious now.

"Annie," he called her name.

She was sleeping so peacefully.

Looking at her like that, it made him smile.

He kissed her forehead as he brought her to the cave on the other side of the island.

1 comment:

  1. nice one! this a new story again????!!!! >,< U are seriously grounded for not continue-ing any of the story u start! Hahahahha!
