Thursday, February 26, 2015

Public Speaking Script: Corporal Punishment

Yup, another script~ also for the sake of the hours of typing and editing and reading hahahahaha

Topic                          : Corporal Punishment On Children
Central Idea               : Corporal punishment on children should not be accepted and
              the alternative to corporal punishment.
Main Points:
i.                    Corporal punishment on children is an inhuman act.

ii.                  Corporal punishment is not effective in teaching children.

iii.                Corporal punishment does have an alternative in teaching children.

1.      Attention Getter:
I want you to imagine yourself in a primary school classroom. It’s Malay language class and the teacher walks in with a pile of books with folded pages. “Bang!” She puts the books on the table and looks at the whole class. “Monitor, go get my cane at the office.” and the classroom breaks out into whispers. Your name was called because your homework had some problems. You were given two hits of the cane and you get back to your seat, saddened or even angered.
2.      Reveal Topic:
Today, I would like to tell you how corporal punishment on children should not be accepted and the alternative to corporal punishment.
3.      Credibility Statement:
I have an aunt who has three kids and is a part time teacher in Sweden while I had experience as a substitute teacher in a primary school. We had discussed about how corporal punishment on children is accepted in Malaysia but it is banned in Sweden. After that, I also searched online to know more about corporal punishment.
4.      Relevancy Statement:
We are from the 90’s generation, we grew up during the time corporal punishment children is accepted, and for some parents, even encouraged. But I believe a change is needed as we progress into a mature country. I think that this topic is important to us since we may become educators, or become parents ourselves in the years to come.
5.      Preview:
I shall explain about corporal punishment on children being an inhuman act, corporal punishment is not effective in teaching children and lastly, corporal punishment does have an alternative in teaching children.

Connective: We will now start with how corporal punishment on children is actually an inhuman act.


I.                   Corporal punishment on children is an inhuman act.
Corporal punishment is illegal internationally. According to the UNICEF Malaysia article, Lessons in Violence Nurture Shame and More Violence for Children, published on the 6th of October 2008, “UNICEF believes that corporal punishment should be abolished because it is both abusive and ineffective. It also infringes on the right to education. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child prohibits the use of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment, regardless of circumstance.” Times are changing, globalization is happening as clear as ever, the boundries between countries is becoming less visible when it comes to working together to a better world. Malaysia should start changing for the better, to evolve into a mature country where the basic human rights, even a child’s, should be respected. Within this context, I believe corporal punishment  on chilren should not be practice or be culturally accepted. Stopping corporal punishment on children is the path to a mature society. On the 26th of December 2011, Pro / Con: Spanking under Los Angeles Times website written by Jessica Pauline Ogilvie, mentioned that 31 countries have banned corporal punishment in the home and although USA does not have such a ban, 32 of its states have laws that prevents educators from hitting students.
There is no limit when it comes to the negative effects due to corporal punishment on children. Corporal punishment may cause unintended injuries to the child. Corporal punishment is used when the parent or educator is in a heightened levels of anger and stress.The child may suffer serious or long term injuries that were never intended. In The Star Online, Mother Claims Daughter Deeply Traumatised After Caning, by Nigel Edgar on the 26th of  February 2013, a 10 year old  girl cried when she was asked to show the cane marks on her right hand during the interview with the reporters about the caning by the school principal. Corporal punishment will cause children to be hurt emotionally. Children may be stereotyped as a “bad child” or “bad student” when they are given corporal punishment, especially in public. But have you consider that the child might not be bad in the first place? Maybe it was just a one time thing? The child may feel ashamed in front of his or her classmates because of rumors being spread about them.

Connective: Next, I’ll share with you about the ineffectiveness of corporal punishment in teaching children.

II.                Corporal punishment is not effective in teaching children.
Children may not understand the actual reason for corporal punishment. Corporal punishment by parents is not the way to teach a child how to behave. John Wenzel from The Denver Post, wrote in Corporal Punishment Not Effective Long-term, Experts Say on 15th of September 2014, when children are disciplined, violence can bring short-term results; but new studies showed that the best steps in disciplining children do not involve physical abuse. Corporal punishment by educators is not the way to teach a child to be a good student in school. The child may follow school rules only because he or she is afraid of the punishments by the educators. When the teachers or educators are not around, the students may still break the school rules. Do you still remember you as a student, talking and making noise in class when the teacher is not around? Students finish and hand in their schoolwork because the teacher told them to. They have lost the drive or motivation to learn and enjoy schooling due to corporal punishment. The students do not understand the reasons of having school rules and following them. There is always the saying “rules are meant to be broken”. Students do not know of the logic of having school rules. Students should not run in the school hallways. This is to prevent them from injuring themselves as well as knocking into others.
Mental development of the children may be negatively affected due to corporal punishment. Corporal punishment, whether done in the home or school, causes negative effect on children’s IQ development, as written in the Summary of Research on The Effects of Corporal Punishment by the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children in April 2013. The long term effects include children may not be as successful academically and career wise as the children who are not given corporal punishment. Corporal punishment also supresses children’s creativity. Children are supressed from speaking up or sharing ideas in classs because of the fear of being wrong and getting punishment.

Connective: Lastly, I shall tell you that corporal punishment does have an alternative in teaching children.

III.             Corporal punishment does have an alternative in teaching children.
Actions that can be done by people who are directly involved in corporal punishment. Actions parents can do. Parents should remember to not take the easy way out when dealing with children. Without corporal punishment, parents may need more time in educating their children, especially for children who are so called hard headed or playful. They need to be more patient. Parents should find a way to guide children to know and understand what is right and what is wrong. One of the ways is to do what you preach. Parents can be an example for their children. Actions educators can do. Educators may need to spend more time in educating children with discipline or academic problems. They can choose to talk to the student to find out the root of the problem. If it is because of a small reason, the teacher can slowly guide the student. If it is a serious problem, the educator can ask help from the school counselor. An additional class can be set up for students who are slow in academic progress.
Actions that can be done by organizations. Actions that can be done by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development. Campaigns such as “Educate, don´t punish” that was started by Save the Children, UNICEF’s Spanish Committee and a few other organizations can be used in Malaysia. According to Educate, Don´t Punish, Awareness Campaign Against Corporal Punishment of Children in Families in October 1999 by Save The Children and a few other organizations, the campaign aims to raise awareness among parents and future parents of the effects of corporal punishment, provide guide to non-violent ways of teaching children and introducing children to their rights. Actions that can be done by the Ministry of Education. The number of students in a class should be downsized. That way, educators can focus more on each student. Corporal punishment is not needed when you have sufficient time for each student. The ministry should make sure there are enough educators and school counselors in each school.


Review of Main Points:
Reviewing what was mentioned just now, I have talked about corporal punishment on children being an inhuman act, corporal punishment is not effective in teaching children as well as the alternative to corporal punishment.

Restate Thesis:
Corporal punishment on children should not be culturally accepted since there is always an alternative.

Corporal punishment on children has been used in our society for years, from our grandparents, to our parents, to ourselves. It is not easy to ask everyone to change drastically and take action immediately. By giving this speech, I hope that everyone here, the young generation, the future leaders, can understand how important it is to stop corporal punishment and take the next step in heading towards the path of a first-world country.


Online Newspaper Article:

Ogilvie, J.P. (2011, December 26). Pro / Con: Spanking. Los Angeles Times. Retrienved from

Edgar, N. (2013, February 26). Mother Claims Daughter Deeply Traumatised After Caning. The Star Online. Retrieved from

Wenzel, J. (2014, September 15). Corporal Punishment Not Effective Long-term, Experts Say. The Denver Post. Retrieved from


Online Article:

UNICEF Malaysia. (2008, October 06). Lessons in Violence Nurture Shame and More Violence for Children. UNICEF Malaysia. Retrieved from

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children. (2013, April). Summary of Research on The Effects of Corporal Punishment. Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children. Retrieved from

Save the Children, UNICEF, CEAPA, CONCAPA. (1999, October). Educate, Don´t Punish, Awareness Campaign Against Corporal Punishment of Children in Families. Save the Children. Retrieved from

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