Friday, August 14, 2009

Events For National Day

This month is the month we celebrate National Day. To spread the patriotism in the school, competitions and events were organised by the school.

In the morning, there was a choir competition and the theme is of course National Day. The form 4 and form 6 class must participate and I am guessing that it's because no one has the spirit to enter so the teachers took actions.

Our class started practicing 2 days earlier before the competition and the teacher felt that we weren't going to put our hearts in it. But somehow our class is like hidden in a mysterious box not knowing what will be popping out. On the day of the competition, our monitor had a small meeting with some of the classmates and we thought of many things to make the performance better and maybe even impress the form teacher.

The last decision of the meeting is that the three rows will be switched and the top row are girls that sway to the left and right. The first row are also girls but they will be standing and focusing on singing. And obviously, the boys will be in the middle, singing and waving the flags. We also made some background singing which the teacher suggested herself earlier but was cancelled because it had felt awkward. The song we sang was "Untukmu Malaysia". Here are the lyrics:

Padamu Malaysia ku berjanji
Padamu ku akan berbakti
Seluruh jiwa raga kuserahkan
Demi kejayaan bangsa

#Aman makmur damai sejahtera
Akan kujunjung dan kujaga
Bersatu rela jujur setia
Membela bangsa tercinta

@Syukur ku selalu kepada Ilahi
Atas segala rahmatNya
Malaysiaku negara maju jaya
Baktiku anya untukmu


When the results were out, we were dumbfounded as we had won the third place. All the last seconds actually produced results.

In the afternoon, 8 students including me went to school again to participate in the banner painting competition. We drew on a white cloth with the theme for National Day. We only prepare the materials that day and we had a few problems. First, we had to buy the paint for the cloth, also known as colour dye. Second, we didn't plan a diagram, but we manage to make a draft before the competition. Third, we had limited time. Some of us have tuition and some need to get home early.

When we went to see the other teams, we found out that they didn't brought any colour and were planning to paint on Monday. We were struck and felt that we had panicked for nothing. But we still comfort ourselves that we will start earlier. The second truth was worst. We were going to finish the banner but the person in charge told us that the banner can be handed in after a week! We made another reason to calm ourselves, we finished the painting so that we can focus on our exam and enjoy the holidays later without needing to worry about the competition.

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