Sunday, December 18, 2011

Vacation 004

"Why aren't you packing?" Annie asked while rummaging through her closet.

"I only have a few stuff in this bag." He said while pointing his small luggage.

"Really? But haven't you been living here for like 3 years?" She wondered as he chuckled.

"I don't know if I still have the chance to come back..."

"What?" Annie turned around her to see him missing. "Leo? Where are you?"

"I'm going out for a walk! Looking at you to pack is unbearable! Tell me when you're done!" His voice came from outside of her room.

"Hey!" She pouted.

"I know you're pouting! I'll grab you a cookie on the way back! Bye!" She heard him shut the front door.

Annie zipped her luggage after an hour. She had finally finished packing. Looking around, she wondered if she had left anything.

"Annie!" She heard a voice, not of Leo's.

"Shoot!" She quickly hid her luggage in the closet and went to lay in her bed, pulling the blanket.

"Annie?" She came in, holding a glass of milk.

"Yes?" She said, eyes half closed, pretending that she had just woke up.

"Annie, are you feeling alright? You look so pale." She handed Annie the milk, touching her forehead and Annie's, checking if she's got a fever.

"I'm okay. I just feel tired." She said while putting the milk on the table beside her.

"Well, rest more, my sweetie. I'll be downstairs with my friends." She said and left, closing the door behind her.

"Well, are you all packed up?" A voice whispered. She looked towards the window to see Leo sitting there, eating a piece of chocolate cookie.

"How did you get there?" She nearly screamed.

"Shhh! Are you done?" He asked her.

"Yes. How are we going to get out of here with HER downstairs?" She asked him worriedly.

"I have my ways. Where's your luggage?" He smirked.

Annie took her luggage and Leo helped her. She climbed out of the room onto the roof.

"Monkey see monkey do." He whispered in her ear and took her luggage, climbed down the house using the pipelines.

Terrified at what she needs to do, she took a big, long breath to calm herself.

"Here goes nothing." She gathered all of her courage and held onto the pipe tightly. One step at a time, she slowly climbed down the pipes, making sure she doesn't make a noise.

Annie thought that she took 3 hours when it was only 8 seconds, her feet finally touched the green grass on the ground.

"Come on, my love." Leo held her hand and they sneaked away, far away from the house.

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