Wednesday, October 31, 2012

An Old Story: The Meeting

"The Joker?"

"Yes." The senior advisor, Lee Sooman said calmly.

"What's the story?"

"Fun, entertainers, versatile, many talents in different areas... they are unpredictable... a traditional Joker card in a deck? They will be the one to beat all others with hidden talents." An assistant explained.

"That's a good one..."

"So, here are the profiles of the trainees. There are a total of 20 of them. Age ranging from 15 to 19." Files were passed to the staffs.

"This, here is our new project." Sooman announced and the discussion began.

"They will be a slightly different rotational group. All of them will be in the main group, The Joker. They will be divided into small groups for different songs. Something like Super Junior except that the members will be shuffled up and there will not be actual, permanent sub-units."

"There will be a main  promotion song where all of the members will be performing. Then there are secondary promotion songs. Taking EXO members as examples. Baekhyun, Chen and D.O are vocalists. They will be taking up a ballad song. But they can also join in on a dance song with Lay too. Then for a comeback, Lay can perform a solo ballad. Or Kai and Tao doing a duet."

"Meaning that their promotions can be done with different members, either as solos or duets, or   group performance. The whole group is always changing styles and giving a fresh and diverse image for every performance."

"Like a deck of cards. You shuffle them and randomly take a few cards out."

"It's a big risk. Not to be offensive, but it could be hard for people to try to get to know them. Since the faces are always changing for every performance..."

"It is... but I believe we can do this well." Lee Sooman said with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Okay. So... about when are we debuting them?" Yongjin asked.

"Maybe in 6 months?"

"6 months? Isn't that too fast for this scale of a group?" Rino was astonished by the senior adviser's words. It took at least 3 months of training for EXO. This Joker group has so many members. Will they be able to cope?

"It should be okay. I've seen this group and they are good at adapting. They'll be fine." Sooman assured her.

"Is there any specific style or genre they're focused on?" Kenzie asked.

"We'll stick to SMP for now. After that, we can explore a bit more." The assistant answered this time.

As questions were answered, the meeting was ended. The team of experts were given tasks: to plan how the debut album of The Joker was going to be.

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