Saturday, April 17, 2010

Another Random One

Seven days in a week. You do your routine, go to school (or work) then chores, then other activities (that I can't think of now). Out of all of them, there is always a day where you feel really nice, wanting to have a beautiful day, motivated to finish all the I'm-nearly-done things in the list. Then you get started, running happily here and there, making the list shorter. It feels really great. I don't know why, I used to have a lot of that type of day in a week, but now, it never lasted half a day. Before I can finish my first to-be-done task, something always happen, now it happens so many times that I lost count...

It's frustrating man!! You get so hyped up and someone just throw a bulldozer on your head, really hard!!!!! Every week...feeling so hyped up then after being hit, you feel drowsy or dizzy or gray or painful or..........

I'm still trying to work it out so that I know how to tackle the bulldozer. Then, it's heaven...hehehe

1 comment:

  1. Life is always like that...Things keep on going as the way there are and we keep on doing our parts as we should...Don't get frustrated, just try to find a solution to all the problems and you'll see light everywhere...
