Saturday, June 11, 2011

An Old Story 001: The Meeting

He was wearing casual clothes. Comparing him to the other guys in suits rushing about, he's really good-looking. I guess he's a tourist.

I couldn't stop looking at him.

"Erin! Snap out of it!" I slapped myself before I started daydreaming.

But does he know that he's been walking in circles? Should I offer to help? But mom said I'm such a busybody and I have to finish the food delivering too.

"Umm...hello. Could you help me a bit?" It was a deep voice. There was a very strong accent too. I looked's him! Whoa...he's tall too.

"I believe I'm lost."

"Umm...where do you want to go?" I asked as I took a step back, suddenly remembering about the recent cases of foreigners kidnapping girls. You can never be too sure, right?

"Well, I don't quite know. Is there any place that I can stay? Since it's getting late."

He seemed harmless, maybe he's really lost.

"There's a hotel just a street away. I think it's called Red Rose Hotel."

"Thanks." He then walked away.

Now, for the delivery. Mrs Kwan, 7th Street...

"Sorry to bother."

"Hmm?" It was him again. Wasn't he going to the hotel?

"Where can I try some good food? Please? I'll treat you for troubling you." Is he giving puppy eyes?!

"You can come to my mom's place. It's just around the corner. I have to do some delivery, bye" It's getting late, I hope Mrs Kwan won't be angry. Her house was 2 blocks away. I ran as fast as I could but I was 5 minutes late. She paid me only after her 10-minutes-lecture. I looked at my watch. It was 7.15pm. I looked up, the moon was out early. There was a figure in front of me too. Him again....he's getting creepy...

"Don't you have anything else to do?" I asked him as my eyes were searching for an escape route, just in case.

"I have nothing to do. I didn't get to say thank you. Anyway, I'll treat you. Lead the way, miss... What's your name?"

"Erin. You?" Well, starting a conversation wasn't bad since it's a long walk.

"Miss Erin, I'm Dongjoo. Just wondering, is there curry around here?"

What? Why then sudden question about curry?

"Curry? Yeah, there is. Where are you from?"

"I'm from Korea."

"That's a coincidence. My mom's from Korea too. But she doesn't have an accent like yours. Where did you learn English?"

"I went to America for a few years."

"I think you need to practice more." sarcastic mouth...

He chuckled.

We walked for about 15 minutes until we reached Jasmine Restaurant. My mom single-handedly started this restaurant and she was really proud of it.

"Mom! I'm home!"

"Sweetie, why are you late? Just wait awhile, I'll be out in a minute."

I took the menu and passed it to Dongjoo. I guess mom's really busy in the kitchen.

"Sweetie, what took you so long? You made me worry."

"Mom, this guy here got lost. He felt hungry and I brought him here. He's from Korea too!"

"Who is it?" She came out of the kitchen holding an empty tray.

"Dongjoo?!" She looked really surprised.

"Yeobo?" Dongjoo murmured.

"Mom, you know him? Why is he calling you yeobo?" I looked at her but she seemed...

"Erin, why don't you go get some coffee for us. Thanks."

"Okay..." I replied and went to the kitchen.

HAHA @_@

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