Monday, June 27, 2011

An Old Story 011

"You're soul mate? How old were you again?" Jaegyu couldn't believe what Dongjoo was telling him.

Dongjoo was lively when he's working or going out with his friends. Everyone in the industry admired him for his dedication in his work and the way he treats everyone around him with respect.

But Jaegyu had seen another side of him. When both of them were drinking at the bar, Dongjoo was quiet, he never talks. Even if he did, it wasn't anything about himself. Now, at a coffee shop in a foreign country, he told of his hidden past.

Dongjoo smiled at his friend. He knew people thought that it's just puppy love or kids thinking too much. But deep down, even at that age, his heart, mind and soul knew that the feelings are true. She was the only one for him.

"It was perfect. For a few months. Then..." Dongjoo stopped.

"This is getting boring." Dongjoo said.

"I gotta rush to the toilet." Jaegyu said as he left.

"Caffeine" Dongjoo laughed.

Dongjoo looked to the fountain just opposite of the coffee shop. Around the fountain were beautiful red and white roses.

Reminiscing the memories with her was something he never did until today.

Now, looking at the scene in front of him,

he whispered...


1 comment:

  1. AGAIN!!!!!!! WHO IS SHE,Jangmi??!!! Oh!! go on, more updates please!!!!!!!!! ^^
